Our Programs
About "Coming of Age" Work

Masters of Ceremony provides education and programs that assist with difficult life transitions

Masters of Ceremony is founded on the premise that when approached with knowledge and skill, life passages, such as the birth of a child or coming-of-age, offer significant opportunities for learning, growth and renewal. However, without understanding and support, transitions can be difficult and take a toll on the individual and their family. We offer education and programs to help people successfully navigate life’s most significant transitions and events.

Masters of Ceremony helps young people become healthy adults

Masters of Ceremony began as an exploration of the passage that occurs at adolescence. Some cultures have rituals, ceremonies and other practices that mark and help facilitate coming-of-age. Such practices are deeply rooted in tradition. For example, the Jewish Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah celebrate young people for having achieved a level of personal responsibility at age 12 or 13. In some cultures, boys at the threshold of manhood are given an intense initiatory experience by the boys’ male elders. Such traditions are rooted in a particular cultural context and are meaningful to youth from those communities. However, they may not be available or relevant to those who are not members of those communities.

Working with therapists, teachers, and nonprofit leaders, we explored the issues facing adolescent boys and adapted the Boys To Men Program to our needs. Boys To Men trains mentors and provides residential workshops and mentoring to teenage boys. Since 2001, we have worked with more than 300 young men and their families and trained hundreds of mentors.
